Executive Board
Contact Executive Director
Our Board

2024-2025 Executive Board

The IAJHSC is governed by an elected Executive Director and an Executive Board of eight students and eight Student Council advisors, each elected from their respective districts at our annual state convention. Other association officers who are appointed non-voting members include our Assistant Executive Director, Executive Treasurer, Summer Leadership Camp Director, and Convention Coordinator.

A Word

From Our Executive Director

“As the Executive Director, it brings me great joy to welcome you to another exciting year of growth and leadership. This year’s theme, “Let Leadership Grow,” encourages us all to plant the seeds of leadership, nurture them with dedication, and watch as they flourish into positive change.

Remember, every great leader starts as a small seed with the potential to grow into something extraordinary. Together, let’s cultivate an environment where your leadership can reach new heights and bear fruit that will benefit others for years to come.

I look forward to seeing the amazing growth and impact you will achieve this year. Let’s dig in and let leadership grow!”

-Lisa Thompson