Welcome to the Illinois Association of Junior High Student Councils!

Save the Date! Summer Leadership Camp June 22-28, 2025

Building Tomorrow’s Leaders… Today!

The IAJHSC is a unique statewide association dedicated to empowering middle school student leaders and their advisors. Since 1958, we have been the sole organization of our kind in Illinois, fostering a community where leadership, service, and scholarship thrive.

By joining the IAJHSC, schools renew their commitment each year to cultivating young leaders who embody integrity, responsibility, compassion, and good character. Our dynamic events and activities provide students with unparalleled opportunities to develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact in their communities.

Become part of a legacy of excellence in education and community service. Together, we are shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

View the IAJHSC District Map




Service Project



Let Leadership Grow

in 2024-2025!

The 2024-2025 District Representatives have chosen the IAJHSC state theme for the coming year: Let Leadership Grow. Just like seeds sprouting into vibrant flowers and caterpillars transforming into butterflies, middle school leaders are blossoming into their potential, nurturing their skills to bloom brilliantly. Let’s cultivate our garden of future leaders and watch them metamorphose into guiding lights for their peers! 

Leadership S.O.S. logo