Join Us for the 66th IAJHSC State Convention








The IAJHSC 65th State Convention was a memorable event, featuring Jesse LeBeau as the keynote speaker, who inspired attendees with his powerful message on resilience and leadership. M&P Productions led engaging workshops, encouraging students to embrace their potential. We elected new district representatives, bringing fresh ideas and enthusiasm to our organization. The convention also included a formal dinner and dance, allowing participants to network and celebrate together. The Hall of Ideas showcased innovative projects and initiatives from student councils across the state. Don’t miss the 2025 convention, where even more exciting speakers and activities await to inspire and empower future leaders!

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Checkout Our Video of the 2024 State Convention

Check out the video from last year’s state convention! It’s a dynamic photo montage that captures the energy and spirit of the event, showcasing inspiring moments and the power of student leadership. Perfect for anyone looking to relive the experience or get excited for the next convention.


Our 2025 Keynote Speakers

Carl Olson

Carl “Energizer” Olson is a nationally known and respected speaker, trainer and author. He has presented to nearly three-quarters of a million people throughout the United States and Canada. His diverse talents allow him to have an impact with a wide variety of audiences. The groups that he presents to include all ages of youth, educational staff, teams, non-profit organizations, business and corporate groups.